Brandt International Attracts Top Talent with Innovative Project

Brandt International Attracts Top Talent with Innovative Project

June 16th 2015 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – Brandt International Sdn Bhd, a leader in customer experience and business process management, has just launched their innovative new career site,, with the aim of attracting top talent and employers in the region. The announcement was made during the MoU Signing Ceremony alongside the official launch of event that took place in Kuala Lumpur.

It has partnered with Cazar, a leading employer branding and recruitment technology firm to create the website and also redesign the candidate employment journey. Brandt International Sdn Bhd is the fast growing company with a current workforce of eight hundred and is expected to grow to one thousand five hundred in the next two years across Asia.

Munirah Looi, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Brandt International, states, “In our business, attracting and hiring top talent is critical. Quality candidates have several good employers to choose from and as a result, hold high expectations. We believe this starts with a seamless online user experience when they apply for a job. They are all online, mobile and want everything to be quick, interactive and efficient. We embarked on this project to ensure every step of their journey surpasses those expectations.”

A Google study indicated that 55% of candidates in Asia today use their mobile phone to look for jobs. This is especially relevant in Malaysia, where 35% of people are “mobile only”, when using the internet for personal use. Yet only a handful of employers have career sites where people can apply using their smartphone or tablet. This could explain why many employers face challenges capturing high quality talent. is mobile responsive and will become the digital platform used for all of Brandt’s recruitment activities. It also includes the company’s social media streams and blog, to appeal to the younger 18-35 year candidate (Gen-Y) generation being targeted.

Stefan Sawh, Regional Director for Cazar comments, “There are a lot of challenges in the talent supply market in Malaysia. Companies must manage the relationship with job seekers differently to capture top candidates before their competitors do. Engaging them with a good career site and through social media is a must. And of course, the entire application process must be available through mobile devices, given the penetration and usage levels in the country. Brandt is one of the first regional employers to be breaking new ground in this area.”

Cazar Brandt MoU Signing

Stefan Sawh, Cazar Regional Director of Asia Pacific

Event attendees

Munirah Looi, CEO and Founder of Brandt International

Munirah Looi, CEO and Founder of Brandt International

Project team

Stefan Sawh, Cazar Regional Director of Asia Pacific and client

Guy Rickett, CEO at Cazar, Munirah Looi, CEO and Founder of Brand International and Stefan Sawh, Regional Director Asia Pacific at Cazar

Event attendees

Event registration

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